department. I had addressed some questions to him that I felt were
related to logic, but he (rightly) pointed out that they have at least
as much to do with theoretical linguistics, and suggested that I
contact you. Do you have any time to meet with me in upcoming days?
Specifically, I'm considering sets of Things, some of which may be
Triples (A, B, C) where A, B, and C are Things.
I'm interested in applying these systems to build semantic models
e.g. with triples like (cat, is a, mammal), (cat, eats, mice).
What seems different about this model from typical semantic network
models is that Triples can appear inside other triples:
((cat, eats, mice), suggests, (cat, is a, carnivore))
So, I'd be interested in anything you might say that would illuminate
theoretical aspects of this system, or related systems (including
anything in current use). My background is in math, so don't assume I
know much about the linguistics aspects of this project -- but I am
very interested in linguistics... would love to get your views on
these broader interests too.
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