of "relationships"? If I don't imagine anyone will care about the
statements I am making then I don't see any reason to say them
(outside of the class of esoteric statements like "affirmations").
But what does it mean to "care"? Certainly I can imagine saying
something to someone without them saying anything back, and still,
maybe I've made their day -- so, that person cares in some sense. On
the other hand, someone else might want to become really engaged in
hashing out further details related to the statement I made.
In the second case, it seems like my discussant and I are engaged in
building either an artifact (the collection of statements) or an
experience (the conversation) -- I'm not sure which; maybe it's both.
But if I don't have a discussant, then I am just building this
sand-castle like artifact/experience that is my side (and
Mobius-strip-like, the only side) of the conversation. How sad.
So, I'm trying to think about how to plug myself into situation where
people "care", not just "about me", but also about the sorts of
artifact/experiences I am capable of participating in building. OK,
this is admittedly a very abstract thing! -- especially given the fact
that people are so adaptable; so, I might be able to say interesting
things about many different subjects, given time enough to switch my
"adaptive strategy". Still, I do have a track record and I don't
suppose the momentum is going to go out of that completely any time
What to do about it? Well, one thing I am thinking is that I should
build my "network" of people to talk to. After all, not everyone is
interested in every thing I have to say. (I like to imagine that the
"theoretically closest" people might be interested in the most things,
but maybe they are just interested in the best things :).)
And how to do that? Well, I imagined asking you to forward this to
friends of yours who might be interested in the sorts of stuff I am
interested in... and who knows, that could turn something up. (You
mentioned one philosophy guy who it seemed I might want to talk to.)
However, that is certainly a vague gesture. Maybe it would be better
for me to find the anthropology people and ask them questions about
anthropology, the language people and ask them questions about
language, the William Burroughs people and ask them questions about
William Burroughs, etc., etc.
It is also possible to get some milage out of "joining" these sorts of
things (e.g. anthropology AND language, mathematics AND zen); but it
is sort of a crap-shoot as to what will come up. My sense is that
"social network" systems sort of get you past that; but why not use
the social network I already have, that's what I'm thinking.
So, I wonder, apropos of this do you have anything you can toss my
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