I had a good time at the reunion -- only now I am sad that I don't
regularly spend more time hanging out with the family!
Now that summer is winding up (hot even so) I've done some assessment
of whot I did...
The main point being that I haven't found a new job, but I have
clarified at least three possible arenas to explore for careerish
opportunities. The 3 aren't exactly mutually exclusive (yet, anyway);
but the most likely one is probably to "keep pursuing this nonprofit
stuff" using some of the new contacts I made. However, making the
nonprofit work is definitely going to be a team effort and I'm not
quite sure what state the team is in at present. The other
exploratory possibilities are looking more like grad school (or at
least something scholarly), the primary challenge there being
However - it is easy to get stalled out thinking about various
"options" for the future; and since I've been home largely I've been
thinking about other things. Perhaps that's due somewhat to the heat.
In particular: I did some more music and writing -- had my third ever
performance last night -- here are some photos of me and the group
taken by an hombre by name of Dave Stagner during the show:
When the sound files are available (I forgot my recorder and another
audience member captured the sound and will mail me a cd!) I'll upload
it as "Session B" to:
(I don't remember whether I sent you that link before or not.)
Actually despite the common wisdom that it is hard to publish things,
I am considering the possibility of trying to raise funds by getting
this work or something based on it published (for money). Seeing as
how I've been spending a lot of time writing over the last couple of
years that doesn't seem quite as unrealistic as it might be if I just
said "oh, I know, I'll write a book and have it published and make
thousands of dollars..." -- although admittedly my situation isn't all
that dissimilar.
I don't know if there is a ton of other newness around here. I've
noticed myself feeling a little jaded as I look at the random college
students who've just showed up (confessedly, ogle might be a better
word) and think about how little I feel I have in common with them.
On the other hand, my friendships with my neighbors are as good as
ever if not better, and I have been cooking and sharing a lot of
tastyl food lately, emphasizing things from the garden. Today I
bought the other ingredients to combine with mounds of basil that we
got out of our garden, to make a year's supply of pesto.
Anyway I do hope I can figure out a good way to come spend some more
time visiting you all down in Santa Fe this fall. Some of the things
I've been hoping to see develop oughta start developing soon. Will
probably be able to think more clearly about all that when this latest
heat wave goes away.
PS. Hi to Greg -- I'm glad I met him. Hope to have more time to visit
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