is really reminiscent of states I get into: "whatever
I do, it won't be enough!" Of course, not every
situation is so dire. But the remarkable thing is
that I seem especially to strive to "transform"
the aforementioned into logics of "always-already
enough"; into situations where "attendance counts
for 100% of the grade".
And what kind of transformation would this be? Is
it purely in my mind, perhaps -- seeking to delude
myself? Or is there some more subtle or essential
mumbo jumbo that one can enact upon the world
and one's bearing within it that renders the new
logic "true"?
For example, the knife applied to the square peg,
solving the round hole problem, gordian knot style.
Or... speaking of knots, there is some famous monkey
related thought experiment, but I did find an interesting
real monkey experiment on peer pressures.
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