what it feels like to be around a bunch of people whose
political motivations are similar to my own.
Really good.
The obvious sceptical response is: does this good
feeling make me too uncritical and accepting?
MAYbe, but the highly idealised vision is of a body
politic in which "we may not agree, but we agree to
This is quite different from an environment in which
discussion is ruled out from the beginning, e.g.
because the people involved don't even speak the
same language.
A political common ground somehow functions as a
linguistic common ground -- and all the same sort of
'implicit assumptions' apply. In an interesting way,
"politics" opposes "research" --
In research, everything must be questioned in order
to build a "theory"; in politics, the theoretical questions
have already been decided and are embodied in principles,
what remains are the pragmatic issues of implementation.
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