
And of these shall I speak to those eager, That quality of wisdom that all the wise wish And call creative qualities And good creation of the mind The all-powerful truth Truly and that more & better ways are discovered Towards perfection --Zarathustra.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

how things happen

First they gave us fake news. But we didn't care, because we all enjoy
a little bit of fake news from time to time.

Then they gave us alternative facts. But we didn't care, because we're
each in our own media bubble anyway.

-> we're here; for brevity I will leave out some intermediate steps.


Then they gave us thoughtcrime. And we all thought it was doubleplusgood.

Then they gave us precrime. And "in our society, we have no major
crimes, but we do have a detention camp full of would-be criminals."

"Perhaps a lot of the people in the camps are like you."

w/ apologies to Martin Niemöller and Philip K. Dick


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