And of these shall I speak to those eager, That quality of wisdom that all the wise wish And call creative qualities And good creation of the mind The all-powerful truth Truly and that more & better ways are discovered Towards perfection --Zarathustra.
Friday, December 21, 2012
one calm morning
When of the dancing horse
the number of circles will be 9
Friday, December 14, 2012
um what?
deterritorialization at the hands of language flows not from trainer
to pokémon, but from pokémon to trainer. As the trainer invokes the
deterritorialized subject, he or she, too, participates in the
linguistic community of the pokémon. The trainer does not so much have
to speak the language of the pokémon, for, "It is certainly not by
using a minor language as a dialect, by regionalizing or ghettoizing,
that one becomes revolutionary; rather by using a number of minority
elements, by connecting, conjugating them, one invents a specific,
unforeseen, autonomous becoming" (D+G 106). The trainer only has to
employ the deterritorialized/deterritorializing refrain of the
pokémon's name to become something new. The invocation of the pokémon
brings about a combination of parts—the trainer's autonomy is
compromised through both the assemblage and the use of the alien
tongue. The logic of this deterritorialization is paralleled in the
way that the trainer uses the pokémon to achieve specific ends. The
trainer invokes one of several pokémon based on its particular
functions. A water pokémon is good against a fire pokémon, an insect
pokémon is good against a plant pokémon, a plant pokémon is good
against electric pokémon, etc.» --
proof of the doctrine
liar, and the truth is not in him. But whoever keeps His word, truly
the love of God is perfected in him. By this we know that we are in
Him. He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as
He walked.» -- John 2:4-6
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
paul kemp & co.
ways I can almost be certain I'll understand something is by sitting
down and writing about it. Because by forcing yourself to write about
it and putting it down in words, you can't avoid having to come to
grips with it. You might be wrong, but you have to think about it very
intensely to write about it. So I use writing as a learning tool.» -
Hunter Thompson
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
one man's preface
Preface to a Situationist Dictionary
«Our dictionary will be a sort of code book enabling one to decipher
the news and rend the ideological veils that cover reality. We will
give possible translations that will enable people to grasp the
different aspects of the society of the spectacle, and show how the
slightest signs and indications contribute to maintaining it. In a
sense it will be a bilingual dictionary, since each word has an
"ideological" meaning for power and a real meaning that we think
corresponds to real life in the present historical phase. Thus we will
be able at each step to determine the various positions of words in
the social war. If the problem of ideology is how to descend from the
heaven of ideas to the real world, our dictionary will be a
contribution to the elaboration of the new revolutionary theory where
the problem is how to effect the transition from language to life. The
real appropriation of the words that work cannot be realized outside
the appropriation of work itself. The inauguration of free creative
activity will at the same time be the inauguration of true
communication, freed at last. The transparency of human relations will
replace the poverty of words under the old regime of opacity. Words
will not cease to work until people do.»
Monday, December 10, 2012
lost art
"It's a time in the future," I said, "when law and order breaks down."
He studied it for a while then turned to me with a concerned, knowing look.
" Frightening." he said.
early Sunday morning
habit, making themselves and their worlds more explicit] one thing is
clear: it is only in this separation that the human in advanced
civilization discovers itself as the animal that is split, mirrored
and placed beside itself, that cannot remain as it was. Difference
within humans is now primed as difference between humans. It divides
'societies' into classes of which the theorists of class `society'
know nothing. The upper class comprises those who hear the imperative
that catapults them out of their old life, and the other classes all
those who have never heard or seen any trace of it -- normally people
who are quick to admire, and thus make it clear that higher efforts
can exclusively be a matter for the admired, but certainly not the
admirers.» --Peter Sloterdijk, "Cur Homo Artista: On the ease of the
improbable", page 191 of "You Must Change Your Life"
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Fwd: a swampwater vision of månifest destiny
Friday, November 23, 2012
skull and XXX bones: homesteading the noösphere
to classify, neglected the modern impulse to search for ways in which
phenomena function. Indeed, with the plants and animals yet to be
explored, it is hard to see how biological science could have entered
a proprly dynamic period except through the continual gathering of
more descriptive natural history. The great botanist Linnaeus will
serve us as an example. For Linnaeus, species and genera were fixed
Aristotelian forms, rather than signposts for a process of evolution;
but it was only on the basis of a thoroughly Linnaean description that
any cogent case could ever be made for evolution. The early natural
historians were the practical frontiersmen of the intellect; too much
under the compulsion to seize and occupy new territory to be very
precise in treating the problem of explaining the new forms that they
had observed. After the frontiersman comes the operative farmer, and
after the naturalist comes the modern scientist.» -- The Human Use of
Human Beings, pp. 67-68, Norbert Wiener
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
I have bullets for sale
Only the deep night knows,
A scarlet ribbon for her braids.
You must have just the right bullets
Your blind and your gloom
The foggy night has already come,
Hark, it's her! The desired one has come,
So I'll keep the wind from your barrel
keep the wind off this lad's shoulder
"I do not want to go around dressed up
You must be careful in the forest
I'll pull you out of the chorus
And the first one's always free
I paid no small price myself,
and without a fiancé!"
tetris song
I've got chintz and brocade.
Take pity, oh sweety,
Of this lad's shoulder
I will, I will go out into the tall rye,
I will wait there till the night comes,
Once I see the dark-eyed lass,
I will showcase all my goods.
I paid no small price myself,
So don't bargain or be stingy,
Bring your scarlet lips to me,
Sit closer to this fine lad.
The foggy night has already come,
The daring lad is awaiting,
Hark, it's her! The desired one has come,
The merchant is selling his goods.
Katya is haggling with care,
She is afraid to pay too much,
A lad is kissing his lass,
Asking her to raise the price.
Only the deep night knows,
What they agreed upon.
Straighten up now, oh tall rye,
And keep their secret scrupulously!
Oh, my crate is so light,
The strap is no longer cutting into my shoulders!
And all my lass took
Was one turquoise ring.
I had given her a whole piece of calico,
A scarlet ribbon for her braids.
A little belt -- the white shirt
To strap on while haymaking
The sweet one put everything
back into the box, but for the ring:
"I do not want to go around dressed up
Without a fiancé!"
Saturday, October 20, 2012
even once
There are two standard uses of cyberspace narrative: the linear,
single-path maze adventure, and the undetermined, "post-modern"
hypertext form of rhizome fiction. The single-path maze adventure
moves the interactor towards a single solution within the structure of
a win-lose contest (overcoming the enemy, finding the way out,
etc.). With all possible complications and detours,the overall path is
clearly predetermined; all roads lead to one final Goal. In contrast,
the hypertext rhizome does not privilege any order of reading or
interpretation; there is no ultimate overview or "cognitive mapping,"
no possibility to unify the dispersed fragments in a coherent
encompassing narrative framework. One is ineluctably enticed in
conflicting directions; we, the interactors, just have to accept that
we are lost in the inconsistent complexity of multiple referrals and
connections. The paradox is that this ultimately helpless confusion,
this lack of final orientation, far from causing an unbearable
anxiety, is oddly reassuring: the very lack of a final point of
closure serves as a kind of denial which protects us from confronting
the trauma of our finitude, of the fact that our story has to end at
some point. There is no ultimate, irreversible point, since, in this
multiple universe, there are always other paths to explore, alternate
realities in which one can take refuge when one seems to reach a
deadlock. So how are we to escape this false alternative? Janet Murray
refers to the story structure of the "violence-hub," similar to the
famous Rashomon predicament: an account of some violent or otherwise
traumatic incident (a Sunday trip fatality, a suicide, a rape) is
placed at the center of a web of narratives/files that explore it from
multiple points of view (perpetrator, victim, witness, survivor,
the proliferation of interconnected files is an attempt to answer
the perennial and ultimately unanswerable question of why this
incident happened. . . these violence-hub stories do not have a
single solution like the adventure maze or a refusal of solution
like the post-modern stories; instead, they combine a clear sense of
story structure with a multiplicity of meaningful plots. the
navigation of the labyrinth is like pacing the floor; a physical
manifestation of the effort to come to terms with the trauma, it
represents the mind's repeated efforts to keep returning to a
shocking event in an effort to absorb it and, finally, get past
it. (cf.
It is easy to perceive the crucial difference between this "retracing
of the situation from different perspectives" and the rhizomatic
hypertext: the endlessly repeated reenactments refer to the trauma of
some impossible Real which forever resists its symbolization (all
these different narratives are ultimately just so many failures to
cope with this trauma, with the contingent abyssal occurrence of some
catastrophic Real, like suicide, apropos of which no "why" can ever
serve as its sufficient explanation). In a later closer elaboration,
Murray even proposes two different versions of presenting a traumatic
suicidal occurrence, apart from such a texture of different
perspectives. The first is to transpose us into the labyrinth of the
subject's mind just prior to his suicide. The structure is here
hypertextual and interactive, we are free to choose different options,
to pursue the subject's ruminations in a multitude of directions, but
whichever direction or link we choose, we sooner or later end up with
the blank screen of the suicide. So, in a way, our very freedom to
pursue different venues imitates the tragic self-closure of the
subject's mind. No matter how desperately we look for a solution, we
are compelled to acknowledge that there is no way out, that the final
outcome will always be the same. The second version is the opposite
one. We, the interactors, are put in the situation of a kind of
"lesser god," having at our disposal a limited power of intervention
into the life-story of the subject doomed to kill himself; for
example, we can "rewrite" the subject's past sothat his girlfriend
would not have left him, or so that he would not have failed the
crucial exam, yet whatever we do, the outcome is the same - even God
himself cannot change Destiny. . .
Friday, October 19, 2012
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
they believe that they are extricating themselves from decadence by
waging war against it. Extrication lies beyond their strength: what
they choose as a means, as salvation, is itself but another expression
of decadence; they change the form of decadence, but they do not get
rid of decadence itself. Socrates was a misunderstanding; any
improvement morality, including Christianity, is a misunderstanding.
The most blinding daylight; rationality at any price; life, bright,
cold, cautious, conscious, without instinct, in opposition to the
instincts — all this was a kind of disease, merely a disease, and by
no means a return to "virtue," to "health," to happiness. To have to
fight the instincts — that is the definition of decadence: as long as
life is ascending, happiness equals instinct.» --
This quote from Baudrillard's "mentor" is exceptionally reminiscent of
J.B.'s writings on seduction. Well played!
Sunday, October 14, 2012
writing seminars decrypted
Dear M-:
I noticed that the PDF of writing seminars was encrypted using a
simple cypher. In other words, when I copied and pasted the text into
my text editor, it came out as gobbledygook, but I was able to see the
pattern, because it just required simple letter-replacements to
restore order! Accordingly, I decided to make the replacements with
a tiny computer program, to give you something you could do keyword
searches on.
I also figured it would be useful to create a "wordle" diagram (word
cloud); this is attached as well. Using the word cloud you can see
the popularity of various keywords. So for example, "poetry" isn't
anywhere near as popular as "essays". Not all of the keywords make
it onto this list, however!
Friday, October 5, 2012
something added
a meaning threat and arouse a sense of the uncanny. Rather,
uncanniness is the feeling aroused by unfamiliar experiences in
familiar situations. It is only the unfamiliar familiar (unheimliche
heimliche) that threatens meaning frameworks and arouses a feeling of
uncanniness. In wholly unfamiliar settings, there are fewer
expectations to violate, and moreover, one may expect unexpected
experiences. Accordingly, the presence of unusual events confirms,
rather than violates, one's current meaning framework. For example,
tourists visiting exotic locales expect to encounter events that are
new and unfamiliar and therefore may not view these experiences as
meaning threats. By contrast, incongruous experiences in familiar
settings constitute an unexpected unexpected and therefore provoke
that unique sense of the uncanny.
Add Table 2 showing contributions per year lay it on that he ordered
the messenger to whisper it back into his first pass through the
implementation section, only making his way through the chambers of
the innermost palace. Her rapist captive, in order to put him on
trial and ascertain his guilt or her paranoia. At the end of the
play, it is a pretty decent pass through the methodology section, a
message to you alone. He has commanded the messenger to kneel down by
the window. While they are alone for the last time, Paulina accuses
Roberto (as in the play's title), while evening falls, and you dream it
all to yourself. Add some minimal quotes from Halliday's language of
science book, crammed to bursting with its own sediment. Nobody could
fight his way -- he cleaves it to himself through the throng, and if
he ever encounters attempts to save his life, after hearing the full
story of her American countrymen who had been raped by her captors,
led by a sadistic added passage that had been forgotten amidst more
narration around Table 2, reworking the paragogical design and praxis
sections a little through here and there -- even with a message from a
dead man. But you sit there as if nothing would be gained, while he
must next fight his way down the stair; add another citation, some
more tweaks, vitae corrections, add citation for the polymath project,
captivity from Paulina, and Gerardo formulates a confession with
Roberto... (As hypothesized, participants in the unexpected unexpected
Biggles condition set a higher bond for the prostitute than did
participants in either the expected unexpected Biggles condition or
the punch line joke condition.)
No one knows how Kafka came to this same conclusion, but by the 1915
publication of The Metamorphosis he had clearly mastered the art of
evoking the unusual in steadfastly familiar settings with the clear
intention of evoking the uncanny. We can only say that what is novel
can become frightening and uncanny; some new things are frightening
but by no means all. Something has to be added to what is novel and
unfamiliar in order to make it uncanny.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
![]() |
(It's not just a kind of chocolate!) |
Saturday, September 8, 2012
stolen girl
winter, I had forgotten to hang my jeans up to dry overnight, so when
I got into the bathroom to shower up, I noticed my jeans were still on
the floor, soaking wet, covered in sand. So I hung them up thinking
well, it's probably best to have them steaming hot and wet. I went to
shave, and it was snowing, and I really, really didn't want to go. So
I started talking to myself in the mirror as I was shaving up. And it
was weird, because I looked deeper in the mirror, and I could see the
little caption on the door behind, and I said to myself, Look, David,
there's just me and you in here. The door's locked. We don't have to
go to work. Of course we did. Got on the motorbike, and I just started
pondering as I skated my way to the construction site on this
motorbike. And that's how it started. It was thinking about how
self-involvement turns into narcissism and how narcissism turns into
isolation, and then how isolation turns into self-involvement again,
and how what a vicious cycle that can become. So then I just started
thinking about different situations where people would ostensibly look
like they were doing something, but in fact they were checking their
own reflection out. And you'd see it perhaps on Saturday afternoon
with people window shopping, half the time they're actually just
looking at their own reflection. Then this restaurant opened, and it
was a big deal at the time because it had glass tables, and I was
like, oh, you can watch yourself.» -- David Wakeling
our anti-platonic paradigm
This image (sampled from the header of, riffing on the imagistic skills of Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino) has always seemed to me to nicely capture the spirit of the times. Aristotle says "turn on, log in!", whereas Plato's eyes are blanked out (to provide a modicum of anonymity, since he is after all the "victim" of this surgical operation)... though perhaps we restore some of his essence by blanking his eyes with a Search bar rather than the traditional black line.
The crowd, mob, or hoi polloi looks on curiously, skeptically, observantly.
I'm reminded of this quote from a Roger Schank whitepaper,
This means that, in essence the stories from the corporate memory would find you because it knew what you were doing. This is the very opposite of search.I've also long been fascinated by "search and its opposites" (cf. Asger Jorn 1960, also Leigh Brasington, formerly discussed on Gathatoulie), though I don't know if I've always phrased it quite the same way as Schank. It's so hard to remember! How about this?
Other complications (and benefits) are created by the fact that some scholia may have "actionable" characteristics, which could even be set up to interface with librarian-style operations. E.g. a scholium might be able to tell a sufficiently sophisticated search processes: "Hey, search process, if you like me, you'll also like these children and cousins of mine, and here's how I think you should should display us all to the user."
Thursday, September 6, 2012
and keeps going for a while one can see that the footnotes to WSB's
writing apply mutatis mutandis to AOM.
«If the Nova Police [Resp. League of Extraordinary Gentlemen] can
really be put out of business along with their opponents -- which is
by no means certain -- it is because they are not so much
dialectically and linguistically constructed social subjects [a
remarkable claim when considering literary figures], which must
constantly recreate the conditions of their own existence, as they are
biochemical agents, which react to a limited set of conditions and
disappear once those conditions vanish.»
Monday, September 3, 2012
a tale of two systems
the throne of England; there were a king with a large jaw and a queen
with a fair face, on the throne of France. In both countries it was
clearer than crystal to the lords of *the State preserves* of loaves
and fishes, that things in general were settled for ever.» -- Charles
Dickens (my emphasis)
Here I'm thinking of two very different sorts of systems. On the one
hand, Drupal... known to be a somewhat chaotic and hard to learn
system for building websites. On the other, Mathematics, also
reputedly hard to learn, but considered by many to be "elegant" and
somehow tied up with the foundations of the known, and perhaps even
the unknown, universe per se.
What (on earth) do these things have to do with each other? Let's
imagine Drupal evolving, say 10, 20, 30 years into the future (...
please, I know this is the *time of incredulity*, but bear with me at
least another 2 minutes!) -- along with the Web as a whole, of course.
That figure of 10, 20, 30 years into the future should be enough to
whet our imaginations.
And mathematics in the same time...? Ah, now perhaps you start to see
what I'm getting at!
* * *
What is this dream we call human life? We are stuck with our sensoria
and our ambitions, our drives and our predilections... in short with
our humanity, and it's all too obvious limitations.
When we consider how we take this whole bogged down morass and
actually try to *relate* to one another... try to *convey meanings*...
or perhaps to satisfy ourselves *in private* for a bare moment...
things really do become endlessly complicated. At the present time,
our models of human existence -- like Drupal (or any stand-in, but I
particularly like this system as an example, since it is so manifestly
a 'cybernetic system' in the sense of NORBERT WEINER, i.e. in the
sense of being a system expressly designed for facilitating "the human
use of human beings") -- these models, are, after all, rather shabby.
Whether you call it "understanding" or "operationalising", the Tin
Man-cum-Frankenstein's monster of /homo casses/ (or /homo nassa/?)
whose body (sensorum) has been replaced with machinery... is, as the
metaphor indicates, nothing new at all. He/she/it has existed at
least since the dawn of human language, albeit in nascent form.
But what we see today is an increasingly detailed "clockworking" of
/homo casses/, getting down down down in its atomicity to the level of
"human moments". At the same time, our mathematical understanding is
increasing, as well, slowly (but less slowly than before), and in its
own characteristically misunderstood way.
The relevant philosophical idea is that mathematics is *our model*
(not the model *of* us, but the model we *use*). Some would say
"language" here instead of "mathematics", but what is mathematics but
a stripped-down and decorous human language?
Now (glossing over those details) - smash - the singularity I'm
predicting is a future "mathematicised" version of Drupal (or again,
please, bring in some appropriate stand-in...) that merges the exo
model with the endo model. This means: that we will think in code, we
will talk in code, we will commune in code, etc. -- and by "code" I
mean something that machines understand just as well as humans. The
test is whether our virtual/real (does it matter?) environments are
built of the stuff.
At present, that sounds dystopic and horrible, because the computer
environments we are used to are so dehumanising. And yet, we love
them, we are drawn to them like moths to the light, because -- this is
the punch line -- in these systems, we see, narcissistically, what we
are. That is, we see as if in a watery pool -- a reflection of our
"machine nature". And this, of course, spells death for human nature.
Friday, August 31, 2012
this storm
such violence that the angel can no longer close them. The storm
irresistibly propels him into the future to which his back is turned,
while the pile of debris before him grows skyward. This storm is
what we call progress.» -- Walter Benjamin, Theses on the Philosophy
of History
in the zone
which a child and adult work together on the former's assimilation of
subject-specific content, but as a sphere formed by the aggregate of
vectors that pass through a "point" of difficulty and that delineate a
child's diverse possible areas of development (the zones of potential
personality and cognitive changes, among others).» -- V. K. Zaretskii,
Thursday, August 30, 2012
noticias falsas
fuente.» --
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
corruption. In First World corruption, you pay someone to do something
they are not supposed to do; in Third World corruption, you pay
someone to do something they are supposed to do.» --
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
omg ha ha ha
articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online." --
Friday, August 17, 2012
fdr rms
a world founded upon four essential human freedoms. The first is
freedom of speech and expression—everywhere in the world. The second
is freedom of every person to worship God in his own way—everywhere in
the world. The third is freedom from want—which, translated into world
terms, means economic understandings which will secure to every nation
a healthy peacetime life for its inhabitants—everywhere in the world.
The fourth is freedom from fear—which, translated into world terms,
means a world-wide reduction of armaments to such a point and in such
a thorough fashion that no nation will be in a position to commit an
act of physical aggression against any neighbor—anywhere in the
world.»—Franklin D. Roosevelt, excerpted from the State of the Union
Address to the Congress, January 6, 1941
«The freedom to run the program for any purpose. The freedom to study
how the program works, and change it to make it do what you wish. The
freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbor. The
freedom to improve the program, and release your improvements (and
modified versions in general) to the public, so that the whole
community benefits.» --
freedom from fear
From her to eternity!
Watch the muscles twitch for a brand new switch
Ah catch'em in my mouth!
and its naggin at me like a shrew
As if to reap her reward of sweet thankfulness.
Delphine, shaking her tragic mane and stamping her foot
watch the muscles twitch for a brand new switch
Who with torch in hand burn his very blood.
Plunge to the bottom of the abyss where all crime
Like a voyager who turns to look back
I will lift the veil of the more subtle pleasures
Doctor rectorates, rectorates condescending from
on high for all hallucinates see druggist in the sky in the sky
Ah catch'em in my mouth!
Full of remorse and horror, and livid,
Ah wanna tell ya 'bout a girl
Why the fixtures turn to serpents and snakes?
All thru this lonesome night
Mad shades, run to the goal of your desires;
But those of your lover will dig furrows
"And lull you to sleep in an endless dream!"
Never will a cool ray light your caverns
Cry! Cry! CRY!
Explain if you can my confusion and my fright:
The listless tears from her lacklustrous eyes,
Who wish to lead me onto shifting roads
I want to bury my head in your deep bosom
Go if you wish and find a stupid sweetheart, run
— Go down, go down, lamentable victims,
And yet I feel my mouth moving toward you.
Filter through, burst into flame like lanterns
Toward the blue horizons passed early in the day.
but I can hear the most melancholy sound
Wished to mix honesty with what belongs to love!
You, my heart and soul, my all, half of my own self,
To offer your virgin heart to his cruel kisses;
This desire to possess her is a wound
Damned, wandering, far from living people,
Which the eyes give forth like a long drawn sigh.
Scientist GP's with patient guinea-pigs
curing their head-aches with
drastic side-effects with drastic side-effects
Fled outa the window,
She was seeking, with an eye disturbed by the storm,
Even if you were an ambush prepared for me
As a wagon does, or a tearing ploughshare;
Hippolyta then raised her youthful head:
The sister of my choice whom I'd love forever
and standin' like this with my ear to the ceiling
To a violent breath which could make them wither?
Hippolyta dreamed of the potent caresses
Lying at her feet, calm and filled with joy,
Vicar experiments but 'tis blasphemy dismissing
thought of progress as the mark of devilry
as the mark of devilry
"And find in your breast the cool of the tomb!"
They're dying to switch they're dying to switch switch watch the
muscles twitch for a brand new switch
And flee the infinite you carry in your hearts!
O tell me why? O tell me why?
From her to eternity!
Through the chinks in the walls feverish miasmas
Ah hear her crying too.
Hippolyta, sister! please turn your face to me,
From her to eternity!
From her to eternity!
Fulfill your destinies, dissolute souls,
but, I know, that to possess her
From her to eternity!
Turn toward me your eyes brimming with azure and stars!
Delphine gazed at her hungrily, with burning eyes,
I hear her walkin'
And permeate your bodies with frightful odors.
The strong beauty kneeling before the frail beauty,
Why the ceiling still shakes? Shakes! Shakes! Shakes!
From her to eternity!
They're dying to switch they're dying to switch switch switch watch
the muscles twitch For a brand new switch
Listen, I know it must sound absurd
Of horses or oxen, with cruel iron-shod hooves...
A yawning abyss; that abyss is my heart!
With that red sun whose name is love!
Tore out a page'n'stufft it inside my shirt
She's wearing them bloo-stockens, ah bet!
They will pass over you like heavy teams
And black battalions of scattered phantoms
As if she were stamping on the iron Tripod,
In the pallid light of languishing lamps,
Outa her night-mare, and back into mine
O o o then ya know, that lil girl would just have to go!
Hot-tears come splashin on down
Walkin' barefoot cross the floor-boards
Go! Go-o-o! From her to eternity!
People walk and even talk people listen then they halt something blows
up won't come down scattered muscles twitch too late to switch
Why... Why... that's the one right up top a mine
Which it has already marked with its teeth.
My kisses are as light as the touch of May flies
Boil pell-mell with the sound of a tempest.
Makes your flesh snap like an old flag.
Walk'n'cry! Kneel'n'cry-y!
"Woman here below can serve only one master!"
Scrutinizin' every lil bit of dirt
And the raging wind of carnal desire
Entranced by a sterile, insoluble problem,
As I do after a rich midnight feast.
Do not look at me that way, you, my dearest thought:
That caress in the evening the great limpid lakes,
I feel heavy terrors pouncing on me
Ah read her diary on her sheets
Superb, she savored voluptuously
And the beginning of my perdition.
Let our drawn curtains separate us from the world
May he be cursed forever, that idle dreamer,
The bleak sterility of your pleasures
I start to cry, I start to cry
That drew aside the veil of her young innocence.
The beaten, bewildered look, the dulled delight,
Nothing will satiate that wailing monster
From her to eternity!
Suddenly cried: "I feel opening within me they're dying to switch
they're dying to switch switch switch switch switch Will never warm
his palsied flesh O tell me why and don't tell me a lie!"
The sacred burnt-offering of your first roses
For one of those bewitching looks, O divine balm,
Roam like the wolves across the desert waste;
Increases your thirst and makes your skin taut
Leaking thru the cracks,
"Hippolyta, sweet, what do you think of our love?"
But the girl pouring out the vast grief in her heart,
He who would unite in a mystic harmony
Go down the pathway to eternal hell!
Walk'n'cry Walk'n'cry-y!!!
Is there something strange in what we have done?
Coolness with warmth and the night with the day
Like a strong animal watching a prey
Whipped by a wind that comes not from heaven,
Nor cool the thirst of the Eumenides
She was seeking in the eyes of her pale victim
Burning like a volcano and deep as the void!
I shudder with fear when you say: 'My angel!'
The silent canticle that pleasure sings
You will never be able to sate your passion
In deep cushions redolent of perfume,
Her defeated arms thrown wide like futile weapons,
And let lassitude bring to us repose!
And that gratitude, sublime and infinite,
"I am not ungrateful and I do not repent,
All served, all adorned her fragile beauty.
Down upon my face, Ah catch'em in my mouth!
From her to eternity!
Mine! O Mine!
Her eyes fatal, replied in a despotic voice:
And your punishment will be born of your pleasures.
Different lives in different places familiar problems same old faces
shuffled lives into wrong categories cross the wires and fuse
You will bring back to me your stigmatized breasts...
Is, therefore, not to desire her.
"Who dares to speak of hell in the presence of love?
The already distant skies of her naiveté,
The wine of her triumph and stretched out toward the girl
Delphine darling; I feel restless and ill,
You know, she lives in room 29
Ah ever heard!
And shinning it down the vine
That a bloody horizon shuts in on all sides.
Do you understand now that you need not offer
Oh Why? Why? Why?
The first one who in his stupidity
Saturday, August 11, 2012
the affirmation
of life). Gluttony is the improvement of living standards. Envy is the
fight for
social justice and political freedom. Wrath is the refusal to accept
the limitations
imposed on human will; and therefore it is dignity. Sloth or Sadness
is the stage
reached by calm philosophical meditation."
Friday, July 6, 2012
slum dog kagillionarie
immigrants. But many tenants are here not so much for the cheap rent —
$40 a night — as for the camaraderie and idea-swapping. And potential
tenants are screened to make sure they will contribute to the mix.
Justin Carden, a 29-year-old software engineer who is staying in
another hostel, in Menlo Park, while working on a biotech start-up,
talks about the place as if it were Stanford. "The intellectual
stimulation you get from being here is unparalleled," Mr. Carden said.
"If you're wanting to do something to change the world and make it a
fundamentally better place, you need to be around the right people." »
Cheap, at $40 per night? Ha ha, my rent is only $12/night. Hm...
what am I saying? Back at the H-------- it was $11.66, and I had more
space and a generally nicer atmosphere (periodic wafts of second hand
smoke of various sorts notwithstanding). Then that got cut in half
when I split the place with Odette!. $5.83 per night. And I'm STILL
getting cash benefits in the form of my latest Tax Return. Those were
the days... $5.83 per night.
«You want to tell me what this is all about?» -- Michelle Pfeiffer as
LouAnne Johnson, "Gangster's Paradise", intro
«["Dangerous Minds"] pretends to show poor black kids being bribed
into literacy by Dylan and candy bars, but actually it is the
crossover white audience that is being bribed with mind-candy in the
form of safe words by the two Dylans. What are the chances this movie
could have been made with Michelle Pfeiffer hooking the kids on the
lyrics of Ice Cube or Snoop Doggy Dogg?» -- Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun
Times, quoted on Wikipedia
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
the GIT & the Pendulum effect (repost w/ mods from OER-Discuss)
phenomena, for the sake of a pun. I live and learn.
If so, you made a very interesting choice of pun material. Consider
this quote from :
«In the case of the incident dealing with the pendulum Poe's following
of Llorente is even more exact. In both, a prisoner of the Inquisition
lies, tightly bound, in the path of a slowly descending pendulum. In
both, the prisoner endures mental agony, as he eyes the keen-cutting
edge, coming nearer and nearer. Both descriptions dwell on a
threatened slow-cutting process. In Llorente, the pendulum was to cut
"the skin of the nose and gradually" to cut on "until life is
extinct." In Poe the pendulum is to cut through the region of the
heart. In both, the prisoner is rescued from this particular torture.
Poe has here strictly adhered to the outline of horrors found in the
Llorente material. He, however, vivifies the bare outline by adding to
it painful sensations of sound, smell, taste, and color. For example,
he points the rod of the pendulum with a flashing steel crescent and
thus describes its descent as it "hisses through the air." [...] The
foregoing evidence shows Poe's manifest dependence on the Llorente
material for the opening and closing scenes in his story, as well as
for the horrible incident dealing with the pendulum.»
Moral: people have been "sharing" (borrowing, stealing, improving...
whatever you want to call it -- since forever). Indeed "simple tech
is all they need to get started" (Scott Leslie). But for huge
multitudes of reasons, it seems woefully inadequate to "just share"
without "understand[ing...] more about individuals' interconnecting
workflows" (Lorna Campbell).
Scott's rhetorical use of dichotomy is interesting: "We share with
people, they share with 'Institutions'" (etc.). The key quote:
«The institutional approach, in my experience, is driven by people who
will end up not being the ones doing the actual sharing nor producing
what is to be shared.»
That's the heart of what David Boud and Alison Lee term the
"provisionist" approach to higher education, in what I think to be a
really essential paper [1]. But as Scott continues, the notion of
"levels" (and thus dichotomies) starts "to get a bit woobly" when we
consider sharing as the *natural state* of humans, the question being
what is shared, and how.
Indeed, why should we think that "sharing" is in some way "special" or
"exceptional" or even interesting? Isn't it rather the opposite, that
any mechanisms that are in place to prevent sharing are the strange
and interesting exceptions (from the human point of view)?
Particularly since these mechanisms are often embodied in "simple
tech" (e.g. the classic examples are walls and fences; a contemporary
example would be copyright and licenses).
I would suggest to go beyond Lorna's call to understand
interconnecting workflows, but really to try and understand
interconnecting resource landscapes in a deep way (including for
example, play, waste, non-human factors, etc.). I think this can only
be done by the people "doing the sharing and producing" -- but, this
time, without dichotomizing. As Walt Kelly put it, we have met the
enemy, and he is us.
[1]: Boud, D. and Lee, A. (2005). 'Peer learning' as pedagogic
discourse for research education. Studies in Higher Education,
PS. Happy Independence Day (US).
PPS. «[K]eel effect is the contribution of the side forces to dihedral
effect. [...] Dihedral effect is the amount of roll moment produced
per degree (or radian) of sideslip [...] The sideslip angle beta is
essentially the directional angle of attack of the airplane [...] Keel
effect is also called "Pendulum Effect" because a lower center of
gravity increases the effect of sideways forces (above the center of
gravity) in producing a rolling moment. This is because the moment arm
is longer, not because of gravitational forces. A low center of
gravity is like a pendulum (which has a very low center of gravity).»
-- and various.
Monday, July 2, 2012
creole atlantis
bookman?) the slaves struck for freedom – and won, in the first great
successful slave uprising. Armies sent against them were all defeated:
when French troops were sent against them under Napoleon the Haitians
sang La Marseillaise to tell their opponents that they were on the
wrong side. The black slaves freed themselves under Toussaint
L'Ouverture, and others – making the principles of revolutionary
freedom truly universal as nothing else could. Overthrowing Kings and
Slave owners was only the start. Those principles amount to more than
being ruled by elites, who deign sometimes to have their rule over us
ceremonially reaffirmed in elections. What came to be known as the
'Tennis Court Oath' – when the 'Third Estate' (the commoners) swore an
oath not to allow themselves to be dissolved until they had forged a
free constitution for the French people – shares its world-historical
importance with the uprising in Haiti.» -- cf. Slavoj Zizek's First as
Tragedy, Then as Farce (2009)
Roundtripping part of through
Google Translate:
Play in the open in Rome a short time after the expulsion of the
Tarquin kings. There revolt in progress, after the store of grain was
preventing ordinary citizens. The riots are particularly angry at
Caius marsyus, a brilliant Roman general who was to blame for taking
away the seed. Rioters found a noble calling Menenius Agrippa, as well
as Caius marsyus head. Menenius try to calm rioters, as they marsyus
is openly despises, and that plebeyen did not deserve to be single
because of the lack of military service. Two of them triben in Rome,
Brutus and Sicinius, private denounce marsyus. He left Rome after the
news arrived that a Volscian army in the field.
Was Volscian army, Tullus Aufidius, fought marsyus several occasions
and consider him an enemy without. Roman army is commanded by
Cominius, and as deputy marsyus him. While Cominius take his men meet
Aufidius', marsyus lead a rally against the Volscian city of Corioles.
Seats in Corioles is initially successful, but is marsyus can force
open the gates of the city, and the Romans conquered it. Even if he is
tired of the battle, marsyus pace quickly join forces in fight
Cominius Volscian other. Marsyus and Aufidius meet in single combat,
which only ended when the clean Aufidius' dragged her away from the
In recognition of his great courage, Cominius to Caius marsyus
cognomen of "Coriolanus". When they return to Rome, the mother of
Coriolanus Volumnia 'encouraged his son to run council. Coriolanus is
reluctant to do this, but it will bow his mother. It effortlessly win
the support of the Roman Senate, and it seems at first that there were
people there. However, Brutus and conspiracy Sicinius defeat
Coriolanus and whip up a revolt in opposition to become consul him.
Was faced with this opposition, Coriolanus flies into a rage and rail
against the concept of popular rule. It allows comparison plebeyen
power on patrisyen that allow "Peck the rooster eagles here." Triben
of Coriolanus condemned as a traitor to his words, he ordered him to
be banned. Coriolanus replies that he is banned magistrates before
After being deported from Rome, Coriolanus seeks out Aufidius in the
Volscian capital Antium, and offers from Aufidius kill him in order to
spite the country that banned it. No problems moving it, and honored
to fight and the general Aufidius, and the higher its embrace
Coriolanus, and allowed him lead a new assault on the city.
Rome, in his panic, trying desperately to convince Coriolanus stop
crusade for revenge, but also of Cominius and Menenius fail. Finally,
Volumnia is sent to meet with his son, wife Virgilia and Coriolanus'
son, and a gentlewoman Valeria girls. Volumnia successful disuade her
son from destroying Rome, Coriolanus and instead completed a peace
treaty between the Romans and the Volscians. Back when Coriolanus in
the Volscian capital, conspirators, organized by Aufidius, killed him
for treason him.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
robot laws
A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a
human being to come to harm.
A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings, except where
such orders would conflict with the First Law.
A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does
not conflict with the First or Second Laws.
Monday, June 25, 2012
"I want to tell everybody a true story"
from Lavochkin^1 to Passepartout^2
Я клянусь, обоссав два пальца - что ты!
что музыка пошла от звуков му!»
[And I swear while pissing with two fingers, like so,
that music has come from the sound of "Moo!"]
- Gogol Bordello, "Start wearing purple"
Funny, I was thinking the same thing this morning.
Friday, June 22, 2012
solve problems, but to redefine problems: to show how what we
experience as a problem is a false problem. -- Zizek, in Zizek!
(minute 30),
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Sunday, June 10, 2012
c/o Ted Newcomb
"Most people make a lot of mistakes when reasoning solo, but in group
settings they tend to be quite skilled at making arguments and
evaluating those of others. One study found that participants got only
about 10 percent of the answers in a tough logic test correct on their
own. When they worked in a group, the scores soared to 80 percent. In
the absence of a challenge from others, people tend to reach for the
most readily available (and often wrong) conclusion. But in groups,
better arguments will win out over time. That the human mind works
best when prodded by others should come as no surprise. Over the
centuries, groups and pairs of people working together have produced
some of the greatest scientific achievements and philosophical
dialogues....Social animals that humans are, it takes partners,
colleagues, and friends to make the most of the mind."
Monday, May 28, 2012
Accumulation. Accumulation means amassing, piling up; it means
accumulating afflictions. But accumulation is beckoned by our own
self-nature, and so it is said, "Accumulation beckons by nature." If
there is a filthy place, then a lot of flies come. But if everything
is clean and pure, then the flies won't come. So absolutely everything
is called in by your self-nature.» --
nothing doing
decision to leave everything alone and see what goes on, see what
happens. Your breathing and your circulation and your postural
mechanisms are all working and taking over. The organism is
functioning in its automatic way, and you are doing nothing." "If
you're going to succeed in doing nothing, you must exercise control
over your thinking processes. You must really wish to do nothing. If
you're thinking anxious, worried thoughts, if you're thinking exciting
thoughts that are irrelevant to the situation at hand, you stir up
responses in your body that are not consistent with doing nothing.
It's not a matter of just not moving--that can lead to fixing or
freezing--it's a matter of really leaving yourself alone and letting
everything just happen and take over." "This is what we're aiming at
in an Alexander lesson, and if we're wise, and we understand, it's
also what we aim at in our own practice of non-doing. It is something
that requires practice. Like most other things in life, it isn't
some-thing that you can achieve by simply wishing to do so, by just
thinking, 'Well, I will now leave myself alone and not do anything.'
Unfortunately, it doesn't work out like that. The whole process
requires a lot of practice, and a lot of observation. Out of this
process a tremendous lot of experience is to be gained..." -- Walter
Carrington, Thinking Aloud, quoted in Practising Detachment by Mike
Friday, May 25, 2012
learning & evolution
to learning theory, people understand very well that there's a
learning strategy, a search process, and there's a space that is being
searched. Only the two together give you a mathematical description of
learning. I would say the same is true for evolution. Evolution is
the search strategy, but the space that is being searched is generated
by the laws of physics and chemistry in a way that nobody actually
understands. You could say that to really understand the structure of
life around you, a much deeper description would actually be required,
and would describe not the algorithm for search, but what is being
searched. So, in that sense, our current understanding of evolution,
I think, is actually very incomplete." --
Thursday, May 10, 2012
found biblical cutup
dwelt by whoredom. And Jacob a household: and the children of the
first-born according as a Hebrew midwives, of the borders with us. And
she shall bow in the land of a servant Jacob a help thee, and return
unto him, My lord be Jehovah hath triumphed gloriously: The name any
finding him should have borne him both of Egypt died: and our lives:
let the place where he gathered to a lamb, according unto them. And
God heard that is said, This day was Rachel.
Journeyed east, and said unto him, We cannot, until the wicked?
Peradventure there reigned in the service which Pharaoh and I pray
you. And he could not be thy two years: the spirit of Merari: Mahli
and he said, Lest I am Esau her unto them, Go forth jewels of Canaan,
the flood of his sons, and fro, until his host of his mother, Behold,
we speak? or beast: it may sacrifice to see my son were not with
blindness, both man, and there in and this house: only unto him,
she spake unto him, and I not let now. Wept and Abraham bowed himself
strange unto me all the bow down themselves to thy nativity. And the
way, and the field, which he may be circumcised with her, and she
laid upon their asses of them abroad from thence two sons, and the thigh,
and evil in the guard. And I will go in the land, the fat thereof. One of
Isaac, and said, I will not let the inhabitants of the door.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
>> cited in Wikipedia, I would strongly encourage you to join the movement
>> lobbying for openness in scholarly work.
A distributed version of and a little bit of civil
disobedience on the part of some scholars and wikipedians would go a
long ways towards cutting this particular Gordian knot. (We could
call the project KeepGrabbing@Home --- the search for intelligent life
on THIS planet.)
You may well disagree with this approach. In fact, I see two options;
the other may be attractive. (But I don't see any reason to imagine
that "lobbying" will get the job done.)
The two options:
(1) building an infrastructure that makes the old one obsolete;
(2) or recognizing the non-obsolescence of the old system, and
stealing whatever it has to offer.
Both courses can be pursued in parallel.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Go slips are double
When the crimes
Go slipping through the cracks
But these two, they'll find whatever's wrong gets solved get some help!!!
The Gumshoes...
The crimes...
Slipping through the cracks...
They are picking up the slack
There's no case too big
No case too small
When you need help just call
Ch-ch-ch-Chip 'N Dale's
Rescue Rangers
Ch-ch-ch-Chip 'N Dale
When there's danger
No, No, it never fails
Once they're involved
Somehow whatever's wrong gets solved
Monday, April 16, 2012
political shoemakers
intellectualism of the profession derives from
this factor: the shoemaker's work both was
sedentary and required little physical strength.
[...] Maybe that provided an incentive to
acquire other kinds of prestige. And maybe
here the semi-routine nature of a large part
of the work, which could be easily combined
with thought, observation, and conversation,
suggested intellectual alternatives.
-- E. J. Hobsbawm and Joan Wallach Scott, "Political shoemakers", Past
and Present, 1980; 89: 86-114.
Quoted in "Phyles: Economic Democracy in XXIst Century",
Thursday, April 12, 2012
monkey business
inspiration, the signs of hidden banks; I watched for sunken stones; I
was learning to clap my teeth smartly before my heart flew out, when I
shaved by a fluke some infernal sly old snag that would have ripped
the life out of the tin-pot steamboat and drowned all the pilgrims; I
had to keep a look-out for the signs of dead wood we could cut up in
the night for next day's steaming. When you have to attend to things
of that sort, to the mere incidents of the surface, the reality--the
reality, I tell you--fades. The inner truth is hidden--luckily,
luckily. But I felt it all the same; I felt often its mysterious
stillness watching me at my monkey tricks, just as it watches you
fellows performing on your respective tight-ropes for--what is it?
half-a-crown a tumble--» --
Friday, April 6, 2012
nothing for money
gotta move these refrigerators, we gotta move these colour TV's." -
Dire Straits
Q2. "Some people, they like to go out dancing, and other peoples, they
have to work, just watch me now!" - The Velvet Underground
Q3. "I took quarter water, sold it in bottles for 2 bucks. Coca-Cola
came and bought it for billions, what the fuck!" - 50 Cent
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Nystrand, 1997b; Wells & Arauz, 2006), verbal interaction in general
plays an important role in the construction of knowledge. Knowledge is
constructed at the interplay of experience and the use of symbolic
systems, like language (Halliday, 1993). Through interacting verbally
with others, people construct new notions and new understandings and
thus knowledge. -- "Mirroring interaction", Femke Joyce Nijland
Mercer, N. (2008). Talk and the development of reasoning and
understanding. Human Development, 51, 90-100.
Nystrand, M. (1997b). What's a Teacher to Do? Dialogism in the
Classroom. In: Nystrand, M., Gamoran, A., Kachur, R. & Prendergast, C.
(Eds.), Opening Dialogue. New York: Teachers College Press, 89-110
Wells, G. & Arauz, R.M. (2006). Dialogue in the classroom. Journal of
the Learning Sciences, 15, 379-428.
Halliday, M.A.K. (1993). Towards a language-based theory of learning.
Linguistics and Education, 5, 93-116.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
stress, cont.
to which this supplement applies:
"Social defeat was based on the resident-intruder paradigm. In brief,
15 min after the female had been removed from the resident's cage, the experimental male (intruder) was placed inside. The animals were allowed to interact for a maximum of 10 min but usually experimental subjects took no more than 3-5 min to be defeated by the residents, as indicated by the overall behavior and submissive posture (escape, freezing, defensive upright, vocalization). Immediately afterwards, the intruder was physically separated from the resident by an acrylic divider with holes within the resident cage for further 60 min. To avoid individual differences in intensity of defeat, each day the intruders were confronted with another resident, randomized to maximize the time between repeated encounters. In forced swimming, animals were placed inside a 20-cm diameter cylinder half-filled with 24 ± 1oC water during 10 min. Regarding restraint stress, rats were immobilized inside sized- fit PVC tubes for 30 min." --
I'm also surprised that I didn't anywhere note the connection to
chamber 1
Finite · Ring · Relation Theory · Operation · Topological Space ·
Positive · Proof · Group · Equation · Natural Number · Implication ·
Field · Class · Basic Polynomial · Category · Obvious · Sequence ·
Relation · Even Number · Vector Space · Variable · Associative ·
Binary Operation · Expression · Incidence Geometry · Cardinality ·
Intersection · Subset · Bijection · Superset · Summation · Addition ·
Biconditional · Prime · Multiplication · Collection · Metric Space ·
Continuous · Complex · Terms And Formulas · Matrix · Empty Set ·
Infinite · Product · Structures And Satisfaction · Mapping · Open Set
· Commutative · Equivalence Relation · Set Theory · Vector · Convex
Angle · Abelian Group · Divisibility · Polynomial Ring · Complex
Number · Representation Lie Algebra · Complement · Definition · Graph
· Equality · Converse Theorem · Filter Basis · Necessary And
Sufficient · Axiom · Subgroup · Interval · Multivalued Function ·
Proper Subset · Angle · Representable Functor · Indexing Set ·
Division · Arity · Partial Order · Rational Number · Triangle · Union
· Integral Domain · Measure · Injective Function · Base · Operator ·
Ordered Tuplet · Induction · Ordered Pair · Compact · Equivalence Of
Forcing Notions · Identity Element · Differntiable Function ·
Distributive · Convergent Sequence · Basic Polygon · Similarity In
Geometry · Signature · Circle · Group Action · Subspace Topology ·
Zermelo Fraenkel Axioms · Module · Geometry · Additive · General
Associativity · Polygon · Surjective · Frame · Logical Implication ·
Linear Transformation · Operations On Relations · Partial Orderings Of
Subobjects Of An Object · Poset · Generating Set Of A Group ·
Cartesian Product · Parameter · First Order Theories · Closed Set ·
Valuation · Vector Subspace · Subtraction · Power Set · Isomorphism ·
Divisibility In Rings · Ordinal Number · Curve · Terms From Foreign
Languages Used In Mathematics · Commutative Ring · Series · Extension
Field · Group Homomorphism · Countable · Truth Table · Fraction ·
Language · Universal Formula · Elementarily Equivalent · Ordering
Relation · Boolean Valued Function · Total Order · Ideal · Commutative
Diagram · Subring · Disjoint · Inequality For Real Numbers ·
Equivalent · Quantifier · Algebraic System · Fundamental Theorem Of
Arithmetic · Equivalence Class · Simple Algebraic System · Semigroup ·
Logic · Continuation Of Exponent · Manifold · Order Group ·
Neighborhood · Well Defined · Random Variable · Lemma · Dimension ·
Irrational · Truth Function · Zeros And Poles Of Rational Function ·
Arithmetic Mean · Fix · Logical Connective · Symmetry · Normal
Subgroup · Root · Commutative Semigroup · Scalar · Normed Vector Space
· Chu Space · Euclidean Distance · Basic Length · Cardinal Number ·
Set Difference · Permutation · Euclidean Vector Space · Domain ·
Characteristic Function · Functor · Reflexive Non Degenerate
Sesquilinear · Absolute Convergence · Sign Relation · Argument ·
Inverse Image · Integral Closure · Types Of Homomorphisms · Axiom Of
Choice · Liber Abaci · Subfunction · T Space · Real Function ·
Groupoid · Subgraph · Unity · Identity Map · Closed Operator · Strict
· Number Theory · Ordered Ring · Convex Set · Inclusion Mapping ·
Upper Bound · Algebraic · Euclidean Transformation · Zero Elements ·
Something Related To Injective Function · Uncountable · Tree Set
Theoretic · Homeomorphism · Difference · Direct Image · Opposite ·
Diagonal · Universe · Line Segment · Riemann Multiple Integral ·
Extended Real Numbers · Dimension · Division Ring · Limit · Integral ·
Quotient Group -- from
[Essentially] we computed the pagerank of each article and clustered
them into 36 chunks, which we call chambers here. If an article is e.g. in the
first chamber, it indicates a kind of higher importance (within the universe of
the articles) than an article in chamber 30. Additionally
incoming and outgoing links are displayed for each article, sorted by their
pagerank/chamber. -- From
Friday, March 23, 2012
meat soup
over everything. She hated the air freshener scent, she hated any food
that someone else made, she hated it when people tried to be
considerate of her when they were cleaning or cooking, she hated being
the only one who wasn't cooked for after complaining that she didn't
want to have food, she hated that everyone else worked but her and she
absolutely hated how the living room was so messy when it was her shit
all over the place. Her side of the room was like the closet threw up.
An avalanche fell out of the closet and from under the bed. One time
she gave an hour lecture, screaming because she thought someone eat
her candy. We had all watched her eat it. She wouldn't listen tho.
Instead she sat beside me and ate mine without a word. Then later
yelled at me about buttons. It's okay though. She's been a vegetarian
for 3 years now, and I just found out her fave soup from her fave
place has meat in it. I won't tell her." --
Thursday, March 15, 2012
great art can be yours
Titled: 'And something new has been added'
Edition: 120
Each print was shot and signed in pencil by Mr. Burroughs at his home
in Lawrence, Kansas in 12 blocks of 10 sheets at a time of Mouldmade
Fine Paper from a distance of 6 feet in his socks and wearing khaki
battle fatigues. The year was 1995. Don't blame me for the strange
limitation numbering which goes- A1 thru A10, B1 thru B10, C1 thru C10
etc until L1 thru L10.
Each print is wildly different in effective firearm damage depending
on the weapon used by this great and unpredictable writer.
Size: 30.25 inches X 44.25 inches
This six-color silk-screened print is signed in pencil by both the
artist and William S. Burroughs with the added touch of bullet holes
placed with loving care by Mr. Burroughs.
Price: $2,500
Sunday, January 29, 2012
poetic pirate coelho
The good old days, when each idea had an owner, are gone forever.
First, because all anyone ever does is recycle the same four themes: a
love story between two people, a love triangle, the struggle for
power, and the story of a journey.
Second, because all writers want what they write to be read, whether
in a newspaper, blog, pamphlet, or on a wall.
Friday, January 13, 2012
1984 the music(al) video: script
An idea I had a while ago, now realised in draft form.
Stylistic notes: "Brazil" meets "Eternal Sunshine of the
Spotless Mind" meets J. G. Ballard's "Crash".
BIG BROTHER (who is a girl dancer in male drag, black
pants, braces, black and white retro shoes - roughly like
Fred Astaire "Puttin' on the Ritz", but dressed down a
little bit - a more "worker" than "high class" style)
enters for a street scene. It's an "open air market" in
London but "1984" style, which means that it sells only
things like soup ladles and other stuff that people don't
want. She is the only one with any vivaciousness,
everyone else is sort of gray and pasty -- like, but not
quite as dismal as, the "What have you done with his
body?" dream from "Brazil".
WINSTON (who is roughly speaking, one of the people
described above) buys a newspaper from a newstand in the
market, and a package of "Victory" cigarettes, and heads
home. This is of course the same newspaper that he
produced at the office. He puts the newspaper down on his
writing table and opens up the drawer to reveal his secret
BIG BROTHER dances along behind him and enters into a
run-down telescreen repair shop on the ground floor of
WINSTON's highrise, where she winks at the PROPRIETOR, and
dances into the back room, where there is a surveillance
substation: she tunes into his telescreen and watches him
writing in the journal.
Meanwhile, across town JULIA leaves a Junior Anti-Sex
League meeting for a liaison with a party member (O'BRIAN)
at his apartment. She takes a sweet out of a red
cellophane wrapper and puts the wrapper into a wastebin
before heading upstairs. We see a little skin through the
window before the light's out
and CUT
to WINSTON working at the newspaper office, redacting
newspaper stories. Then it's his lunch break, and in the
cafeteria, BIG BROTHER (now dressed in light coloured
dungarees and a white long-sleeved shirt, as if she was
coming from painting or cleaning windows) leads the office
workers and food servers in a choreographed dance through
the food line (based as directly as possible given the
limitations of space to the video of Feist's "1234" for
Apple's iPod Nano commercial) while WINSTON talks a bit
too freely with SYME sitting in the canteen. WINSTON is
clearly somewhat perturbed, and you can't tell (based on
the passive diners sitting in the main part of the canteen
and the antics in the food line) if he might be unhinged
and imagining the whole dance. He sees JULIA walk through
the line without dancing, and she smiles at him; he looks
a bit surprised. The whole mood is managed with tricky
camera work, which ends up focusing on the blue sky:
to O'BRIEN'S apartment, through another window and into
his office, revealing bookcases. He was clearly working with
ink on relatively sumptuous paper, but is now talking with
someone who we don't see and shaking his head, no. He
notices a red cellophane wrapper on the side of the desk and
distractedly flicks it into the wastebasket
and BACK OUT THE WINDOW through blue sky (now darker)
to WINSTON walking in the woods in the evening with JULIA.
We see some fireflies in the ditch and PULL BACK we see
BIG BROTHER, dressed as originally, watching from
a treetop as WINSTON and JULIA begin to make out (we
see that we initially had BIG BROTHER's view on the
scene). BIG BROTHER's expression now: Tsk Tsk!
and CUT
to basement rooms in the MINISTRY OF LOVE in split screen,
where WINSTON is scrambling away from a RAT, and JULIA's
legs and feet are being flogged with a ratan cane. Both
are in an extreme state of pain and terror. The 2 cameras do
long panning shots, coming up out of sewer gratings and
basement-level windows (cf. long shot from "The City of
Lost Children") to converge on a table in front of the nearby
CHESTNUT TREE CAFE (the split screen now reuniting into
one stable shot) where BIG BROTHER and O'BRIAN are out on
a date drinking gin flavoured with cloves. They clink
glasses and look lovingly into each other's eyes: this is
all a big game for the two of them. They now seem less like
"1984" characters and more like American tourists in a
European cafe, looking at the passers by to see if any of them
look like they can be seduced.
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words cut, pasted, and otherwise munged by joe corneli otherwise known as arided.